- Always sit if a seat is available, if there are no seats downstairs check upstairs.
- Please do not leave luggage in the bus aisles.
- Guide dogs are allowed on all buses. Please note that they should not be petted by anyone other than their owner.
- If you have to stand then please hold a handrail. Never cross the white line when the bus is moving.
- For safety reasons, please do not talk to the driver while the bus is moving.
- Please ensure infants and children in your care on the bus are secure.
- Every accessible bus has at least one priority space for a wheelchair user, which may also be used for a baby buggy. Only one wheelchair or buggy may occupy this space at any time.
- Wheelchair users have priority over everyone else for use of the wheelchair space, since this is the only place in which they can travel safely. For safety reasons customers using wheelchairs must reverse into the allocated space and face the rear of the bus.
- Wheelchair brakes should then be applied. When a buggy is occupying the space, the child should be left in the buggy and the brakes applied. The parent or guardian should either sit or stand with the buggy
- When the space is occupied, any customer who wishes to board the bus with a buggy must remove their child from the buggy and stow the buggy away safely.