Want to contact Dublin Bus using Social Media?
We can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads and YouTube. Connect with us if you require assistance with one of our services, are looking to get the latest information on routes and products or want to enter our competitions. We review this policy and guidelines annually to ensure they follow current best practice procedures.
We want people to feel comfortable and happy to be in our social space and for it to be a forum for everyone. We encourage all users of our social space to act respectfully to other users and to be active members of this community. Therefore we ask that comments contain language that is appropriate for all groups and ages.
If necessary we reserve the right to block and report comments that are obscene, indecent; contain threats or personal attacks of any kind; are defamatory, libellous or contain ad hominem attacks; contain offensive terms directed to ethnic or racial groups; or promote or endorse a product or service. Users who fail to comply with this policy will be issued with a warning and if they still fail to comply we reserve the right to block and their report comments.
Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are monitored 07:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday, 08.00 to 18.00 Saturday, Sunday and public holidays and outside of these hours during periods of severe disruption. We will endeavour to respond to all relevant posts and comments within one hour and continually monitor our response times. If you have a specific issue about any aspect of Dublin Bus- services, employees, etc., please contact our dedicated customer comment department at [email protected].
When contacting us via social media, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Be respectful of all users of this page whether they be employees or other users.
- Avoid using bad language.
- Do not name individual employees.
- Do not post spam.
Call us on (01) 8734222
Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 07:00 to 19:00 and Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 08:00 to 18:00.
Thank You
Dublin Bus Social Media Team