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Commute with Confidence

Customer Safety and Security
Dublin Bus provides a safe and secure service across the entire Dublin region on a network of more than 121 bus routes using a fleet of over 1000 buses. Your safety, security and comfort is our first priority. By working with our customers, we will ensure our service remains safe and secure. 

The main safety measures which Dublin Bus provides include the following;

For security and safety during your journey a CCTV system is installed on all buses. They are fitted with high quality CCTV cameras which digitally record multiple views inside and outside the bus 2 to 3 times every second.

Dublin Bus Inspector Teams
Dublin Bus has teams of Inspectors assisting in ensuring the bus network functions correctly in a safe and secure manner.

  1.  Central Bus Control Inspectors are in continuous radio contact with drivers and all buses are satellite tracked.
  2. On-Bus Teams of Inspectors randomly check buses across the entire network ensuring customer compliance with Bus Bye Laws and that a valid ticket and identification card (if appropriate) is held for their journey.
  3. On-Street Inspectors are located at key locations monitoring and controlling buses.
  4. Off-bus Supervisors monitor the entire bus network by car and will attend at any incident. If necessary, the assistance of An Garda Síochána will be called.

Customers Can Also Assist
You can help, by reporting all anti-social behaviour or vandalism on board our buses or at bus stops. If you are on a bus, please report directly to our driver who will assess the situation and seek further assistance if necessary. Alternatively, if you witness any anti-social behaviour on the Dublin Bus network, or you felt your safety, security and comfort was compromised, please report the incident by;

  1. Calling Transport for Ireland Customer Service line on 0818 294015 from 07.00hrs to 19.00hrs, Monday to Friday, from 08.00hrs to 18.00hrs Saturday and from 10.00 until 18.00hrs on Sunday and Bank Holidays. 
  2. Email [email protected]
  3. Reporting the issue to the Driver. 
  4. Reporting the problem to a Dublin Bus Inspector. 

Note that all reports will be treated in confidence.

For issues of a very serious nature, direct contact with the emergency services can be made.  

In all situations, it will assist if the date, time, bus route, bus registration number, location and direction of travel are detailed.